Property Records of California in Los Angeles, CA is creating controversy among homeowners and home sellers by offering an affordable property history report package. Inside the property history report packet, there are multiple documents characterizing a home. The documents include deed details, comparables, real estate analytics, liens, foreclosure activity, and much more. An essential document that helps homeowners the most is deed details and real estate analytics.
Deed Errors Have Caused A Large Number of Problems For Homeowners Across CA
Property Records of California property history report has exposed numerous errors, flaws, and screwups in homeowners’ deeds across CA. The issues include:
Flaws in public records: This is the most common flaw found in public records. This is usually caused when the homeowner’s name is misspelled or a clerical misstep, which can cause major problems (and usually does) in the long run.
Liens on the Property: Liens come from not meeting financial obligations and unpaid debt. Even though a property lien can be closed it usually lasts up to 10 years houses are not the only things liens can be granted; cars, boats, and even equipment. A bad divorce, creditors, debt collectors, and mechanic liens are just some types of liens.
Real estate deed fraud: Fraudulent title transfer is a fraudulent deed that has one or more forged details, this is usually done by an unauthorized person. If a married individual claims to be single when filing a property deed. An illegal immigrant, or someone 18 years or younger who fills the deed will be claimed as fraud or illegal.
Property Records of California has a goal and it’s to directly focus on the issue with hopes to bring knowledge to new CA homeowners. Unfortunately, real estate brokers and agents will tell homebuyers just enough to seal the deal and neglect to disclose details.
What is a Deed?
A deed is a legal document that transfers ownership of a piece of property from one person or entity to another. It typically includes the names of the parties involved in the transfer, a description of the property, and the terms of the transfer, such as the purchase price or other considerations. The deed is typically signed by the person transferring the property, known as the grantor, and may also be signed by witnesses and/or a notary public. In some cases, the deed may need to be recorded with the local government in order to be legally valid.
A deed also known as a property deed or property title regards the legal rights of ownership of a CA house or commercial property. The property deed contains a detailed description of the CA property, and properly lines listing the seller and buyer. Here are the different ways a property deed can be obtained:
Sole ownership: When a person has sole ownership, they are the only one that owns the property in other words exclusive ownership. Sole owners can also own other things besides property, they can own businesses, local grocery stores, art, freelance graphic design, and much more.
Tenancy in common: Unlike sole ownership where one person owns a property in CA, a tenancy is common, it’s multiple people who own it. For example, owner A owns 25 percent, owner B owns 25 percent, and owner C owns 50%.
Tenancy by the entity: This one is similar to tenancy in common but the only difference is that spouses can join. Tenancy by the entity grants permits spouses to jointly own property as private legal individuals.
What is a Property History Report?
A property history report is a document that provides information about a property’s past ownership and any events that may have affected its value or condition. This can include things like previous sales, any liens or judgments against the property, and any building permits or renovations that have been done. Property history reports can be useful for people who are considering buying a property, as they can provide important information about the property’s past and help potential buyers make informed decisions.
The Construction of A Property History Report
There are tons of online websites claiming to do a free property search report but rarely do they deliver. These websites will usually try to get clients to sign up for a monthly or yearly subscription. Property Records of California knows that the majority of CA homeowners and home sellers only want one property history report per home therefore a monthly or yearly subscription is not necessary.
A proper property history report should include information that is useful for the person who requested it with minimum hassle. This is the data that Property Records of California focuses on:
- Financial records
- Mortgage records
- Real property value
- CA land details
- Student-to-teacher ratio
- Releases
- Education opportunities
- Demographics
- Foreclosure details
- Title transfer
- Copy of the deed
- Sales records
- Summary of records
- Current ownership
- Criminal activity
- Property History
- And more
Property Records of California Advises New Homeowners and Home Sellers to Keep an Eye Out on Real Estate Scams Targeting These Real Estate Markets
Scammers are getting creative in how they steal property, deeds, and money from CA residents. The two industries being hit the hardest are:
Commercial real estate: Commercial real estate fraud usually involves distortion. It’s usually done by submitting fake documents, false statements, or counterfeited identifications. For example, a possible borrower provides fraudulent appraisals or photoshopped statements. The statement will boost his or her loan application, so they are provided with a loan of a good amount. The problem comes when the borrower cannot fulfill its obligations.
Residential real estate: This is the most common fraud problem in CA real estate. This is similar to commercial real estate where individuals or agencies provide fraudulent information for false real estate transactions. For example, the seller will provide false information about the land’s square feet increasing the property value.
Is Property Records of California Legitimate?
Property Records of California is a legitimate online business that provides property history reports to CA residents. The business sends out a non-obligated promotional letter to new homeowners and those who have recently refinanced. Property Records of California has been working with CA clients since the early 1990s. Unfortunately, there have been some people who have mistakenly taken the promotional letter as a bill.
Homeowners do not need to pay, it’s only a service that helps people obtain detailed information on their homes. CA real estate market and the Property Records of California have been working closely to bring CA residents up-to-date real estate data.
There are several ways to determine if an online real estate business is legitimate. One of the most important things to look for is whether the business is licensed by the state in which it operates. You can typically find this information on the business’s website or by contacting the state’s real estate licensing board. Additionally, you can check to see if the business is a member of a professional organization, such as the National Association of Realtors. Finally, you can read online reviews from other customers to see if they had a positive experience with the business.
Contact Property Records of California
Address: 1110 N Virgil Ave #625, Los Angeles, CA 90029
Phone: 1 (800) 880-7954