Los Angeles Will Replace Peak Hour Lanes with Bike and Bus Lanes

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In a move that could change the face of some of Los Angeles’ most congested routes, the city council is contemplating the removal of street parking that currently doubles as driving lanes during peak traffic periods.

This proposal could pave the way for these lanes to be repurposed as bike and bus lanes, offering a new perspective on urban mobility in the city.

On Wednesday, the council requested an investigation into this matter, specifically focusing on the impact on Alvarado Street, Vermont Boulevard, and La Brea and Roscoe Avenues.

Councilmembers Bob Blumenfield and Mike Bonin, authors of the motion, observed that these peak-hour lanes were established long ago when vehicular movement was the sole consideration for street design. Since their implementation, the necessity or attractiveness of these lanes has not been reassessed.

It should be noted that the council has not yet given the green light for these alterations. At this juncture, it seeks a comprehensive report on the proposed changes. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has been tasked with producing this report within the next 90 days.